May offers in Cesenatico at Hotel Abarth

Look at the May offers from Hotel Abarthwith many services for adults and children, and start planning your stay at the seaside.

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We spent ten days of vacation surrounded by a very nice staff. A special thanks to Catherine who has entertained my little girl every night with the baby dance. Beautiful evening of mid-August that had as its theme Hollywood

francesca s


We have just left this Family Hotel. Staff always friendly and helpful, from reception to the staff of the room, the lifeguard of the pool. Special mention for Catherine, animator of the mini club on the beach and in the hotel: very good, friendly and professional. As for us we have no special notes to report. We felt pampered. 


A nice surprise

The hotel is modest but in line with expectations. Much availability from the staff who showed patience and courtesy with the children. (In particular we thank Catherine, Claudio, chef / waiters and the lifeguard of the pool). The rooms are very small, the bathrooms and balconies can be improved. Overall more than acceptable. I would return



We spent ten days of vacation surrounded by a very nice staff. A special thanks to Catherine who has entertained my little girl every night with the baby dance. Beautiful evening of mid-August that had as its theme Hollywood

francesca s


We have just left this Family Hotel. Staff always friendly and helpful, from reception to the staff of the room, the lifeguard of the pool. Special mention for Catherine, animator of the mini club on the beach and in the hotel: very good, friendly and professional. As for us we have no special notes to report. We felt pampered. 


A nice surprise

The hotel is modest but in line with expectations. Much availability from the staff who showed patience and courtesy with the children. (In particular we thank Catherine, Claudio, chef / waiters and the lifeguard of the pool). The rooms are very small, the bathrooms and balconies can be improved. Overall more than acceptable. I would return


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